
Gods as a mountain
Posted: 2024-11-25 00:45:16 UTC by /u/Sgabonna in r/bahai [view feed]
So many people are worried about which religion is correct, but i wonder if the reason God has...
Posted: 2024-11-21 23:51:57 UTC by /u/Blueberry_Muff1n in r/bahai [view feed]
hello everyone, I've been away from Baha'i teachings for a while now, I've fallen into a belief...
Proof of God.
Posted: 2024-11-19 00:07:32 UTC by /u/Forsaken_Return7764 in r/bahai [view feed]
Allah'u'abha, all. I like many of the core tenants of the Baha'i Faith. My main issues are that I,...
calendaring again
Posted: 2024-11-18 19:35:05 UTC by /u/Even_Exchange_3436 in r/bahai [view feed]
https://www.islamicfinder.org/islamic-calendar/2025/June/?type=Gregorian In my BNE Esslemont book,...

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