Pakhshan Azizi Sentenced to Death After Manufactured Charges, Torture, and Sham Trial September 9,...
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30 Kurdish and 34 Baluchi Couriers Killed by Guards So Far in 2024, Including 1 Child “When border...
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UN Cites “Reports of serious violations of fair trial and due process rights” September 3, 2024 —...
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September 1, 2024 – On this Labor Day, observed in the United States, Canada, and Australia, the...
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Peaceful Protests for Fair Wages and Improved Working Conditions Met with Arbitrary Arrests August...
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Death Penalty in Iran Used as a “Tool of Political Repression” August 27, 2024 – In a joint...
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August 26, 2024 – The Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) strongly urges Congress to support the...
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Denial of Critical Care Intensifies as Prisoners Speak Out Against Abuses August 21, 2024 – The...
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